What is the Best Espresso Machine

We get this question a lot. Almost daily. So what is the best espresso machine available? The question is a bit misleading, because one big detail is missing when it is asked. A better way to find your answer is to adapt the question and ask, “What is the best espresso machine FOR MY NEEDS?” Now, we can find out what your specific espresso needs are, and find the best espresso machine that matches your needs.

Similar to automobiles, espresso machines come in many different varieties that are designed with different users in mind. Not every vehicle made will suit the needs of every driver. Some are designed specifically for off-road performance, and other cars are made for racing. Taking the race car off-roading won’t end well. Both vehicles are intended to be driven, but they have very different use cases.

While you can’t drive an espresso machine, each espresso machine will have different features and functions that are geared towards brewing coffee by different end users. Not every coffee shop will be served best with the same machine, and often the best choice is based on the needs and goals of that particular coffee shop. When we are asked to consult with a cafe, our first questions often revolve around their menu, the type of coffee they are brewing, and the type of coffee drinker their business mainly serves.

So what is the best espresso machine? Let’s consider some options and see a few examples of coffee shops and what kinds of machines would be a good match for them. Each example will take a completely different style of coffee, serving different communities and requiring different equipment to maximize their potential.

In the example of a small community shop buying their coffee from prepackaged bulk or white label suppliers, the main concentration may be less on the coffee itself and more on the community, food, or providing a place for coffee where none existed before. In this instance the best espresso machine may not be the one with all of the options and features. This community cafe may be best suited with a simple single-boiler heat exchange unit. This is a less expensive option, but it may have less life expectancy due to a lower standard build. Machines in this category could include brands like Simonelli, Astoria, or Cimbali.

Another consideration is the “Second wave” shop, which puts more concentration on the coffee itself. What differentiates this style of cafe from the previously discussed coffee shop is the attention to detail when it comes to coffee preparation, flavor, and the focus on the coffee drink. Shops with coffee taking a more focused may find that the best espresso machine would need to have more features and control to achieve these goals. Auto volumetric machines, multiple boilers, PID temperature control, and powerful steam wands would be primary considerations to ensure consistency, reliability, and fast recovery during the most busy parts of service. For this type of cafe, equipment like the Slayer Steam series, the original La Marzocco Linea or GB5, or the Synesso S series would be excellent candidates to consider.

Finally, what is the best espresso machine for the cafe where nothing short of the best will do? These cafes are dependent on taking the best coffee available, and using all of the controls available to extract the best flavors, the most interesting qualities and the highest caliber of steaming control available on the market. These cafes exist for the sole purpose of crafting the best coffee drinks available, and this often requires settings and controls that are only available on the most advanced machines. Features like flow or pressure control, pre and post infusion, gravimetric or high end volumetric settings, and other advanced brewing features can make all the difference for the discerning cafe. The best espresso machine for the discerning high-end user would be equipment like the Slayer V3, the La Marzocco Strada EP or X, the Victoria Arduino Maverick, or the Synesso Hydra MVP. All of these machines are the best and most feature rich espresso machines on the market.

As a word of caution, sometimes the best espresso machine is not the most optimal for your situation. Considerations like budget, as well as coffee experience and espresso brewing ability must be considered before deciding on a final option. If you are not a highly trained and talented barista, having all this control can actually detract from your ability to make good coffee. Conversely, if your goal is to make incredible and high end espresso, the entry level espresso machines may hold you back from maximizing that coffees potential.

In conclusion, when asking, “What is the best espresso machine,” we must consider what the application of this machine is. In order to get you set up with the best espresso machine for your needs, we recommend reaching out to your local espresso tech to consult with, and purchase your equipment through. They will know what equipment is available, and what equipment they are willing to work on. No matter how good your equipment is, you will require a qualified technician to keep it running at optimal levels.


Where to Buy Your Espresso Machine


Espresso Brew Ratio